Twitter is still not real life.

2 min readAug 26, 2023

I saw a post on Threads the other day, that said that Liberals on threads were living in a filter bubble. That one should go on Twitter to see what’s “really going on”.

I think large numbers breaks peoples brains. The US has a population of 331.9 million. 81 million people voted for Biden, 74 million people voted for Donald Trump. I can read, what 1000 tweets in a day? If I browsed Twitter right after the debate, I’d probably think Vivek was the most popular candidate of all time. On a random day, I’d say everyone is into Crypto. Twitter is not real life.

The point I think this person is trying to make is that after Donald Trump’s arrest, everyone on Threads was celebrating, after the Republican debate everyone on threads was talking about how incompetent they were. But Republicans don’t feel that way. Republicans are behind Trump 100%.

Whether or not Trump is immune from political repercussions following the arrest is questionable, but I won’t argue the point. But I do think it’s weird the extent to which people focus on things that don’t matter (or at least aren’t critical to winning the presidency)

Being popular is great. I don’t want to vote for a political party that doesn’t represent most Americans. It’s a great strategy, and overall it has made the democrats competitive and increasingly victorious. There’s a lot of trauma from the 2016 election, and we shouldn’t take our eye off that ball. But the high level narrative is just one part of the game.

Republicans remain competitive despite being unpopular because they understand leverage. Republicans haven’t won the popular vote since Bush in the 2004 election. But they understand the value of the supreme court. They understand the value of state legislatures and being able to draw district maps. They understand where and when to push and when to bend or break the rules.

For sure both big strategic ideas, and key tactics matter. But watching Twitter will always present a warped sense of reality. I guess if you think it will awaken you out of a sense of complacency, go for it, but you’ll get a heavily warped sense of the world that way.

